Traveling the world with my mom for 4th grade...

Author: Cricket (Page 4 of 6)

Goodbye FarmΒ 

Yesterday, I saw my first shooting star!  Two too!  And I saw the Milky Way and so many stars! 

My favorite thing here was riding the horse.  I learned so many things about living on a farm, the animals, and being in France. Hanging out with the Dargon family was a lot of fun.  The always sit together for lunch and dinner.  M. Dragon cooks all the meals from the farm’s garden and I tried lots of new foods.  Mom was so happy when I ate a lot of fresh veggitables.  All our fruit was picked right here too.  Our eggs were from their chickens too. 

I had fun playing cards with the father and his sons.  I won a lot too.  The game was Tarot and it taught me a lot of French words and numbers. 
Yesterday we went to a old windmill and I got to pump water from the towns well.  It was hard work! 

Guess what? In the farm area, the houses don’t have numbers! They are names.  Our house is Fredy. Goodbye Fredy!

We go to Greece today.  I am excited to see the blue water and sunshine. We will stay for one month.

Well, bye! I don’t want to be late for the trains like last time! We are taking a train to Bourdeau where we will have a few hours πŸ˜„

Friday Fun

Yesterday was a great day around the Dargon’s farm. We woke up at 10.30.!  I had my 3 hour French lesson and we went to the small town near by. It’s called Monteton. It’s a very small old and very small.  It’s a medieval town. The flowers are beautiful. Huge bees!!! The houses are made from lots of different things too.

The church in the little town was built in the 1700s. That’s old! You can see 13 other churches from this one church!

Inside the church is a very only clock.  


      After my mom and I took a walk in the farm and guess what?!? When I was a about to pet the dokey, I got zapped by the electric fence!!!!!!!🐎 It made me cry😒

Gouffre de ProumeyssacΒ 

Today I saw my first cave and it was an awesome first cave. They had lots of crystalline rocks and water dripping down the whole time. This cave started 70 million years ago. Before there was an ocean and an earth quack helped make the cave. We got to walk into a tunnel and way down into the cave. We couldn’t take photos. The cave had lots of sparkling crystals. The man who owned the land was brave enough to go into a hole that everyone said was a devil hole. It was 1907. He went down in a small barrel lowered by a horse. He told everyone that it was beyond his imagination. People went down the hole using the horse until 1956. The barrel would move back and forth a lot with horse. That would be scary. Now you can use a tunnel or a round cage lowered by a machine. At the bottom, they put a table with pottery and the water dripping from the limestone hits the pottery and it makes it like crystals. We bought a pot!

The tunnel entrance.

Trains and MoreΒ 

Monday we traveled. We were walking to the train when my mom saw she did not have her phone !  So guess what we had to do? We had to go back to the apartment and mommy did not have the key so she yelled Help!!! This is the best part, out of no where, Julian came and helped. Julian is the guy who rented the apartment to us. And guess what?  The phone was not THERE !!!!!!! So now well…We were late for the train. This is when it gets sadπŸ™ since were late we had to die, just kidding, but for me it felt like it. At one point I could not breathe and my mom just said hurry Cricket !!!!!! We made it, so now we are here. Let me tell you where we are. In a farm with a family. It is so pretty ! They have hey baby mule, 2 dogs, 2 horses, and a lot of chickens!   

Today, well, I got to help to help feed the chickens and get the eggs from the chickens. I also had my first French lesson!!! We played games and leaned a lot of fun French words. I got to visit a castle and see cool things like games they played in the mid evil times. It was fun! The castle tower was cool. We climbed to the top of the tower like a guard.It had a beautiful view of the town. We saw knights’ armor, crazy toilets and old wells.   That was pretty much all of my day. 


Sunday Rest Day

Julian in St. Dens. Really yummy. First fancy meal we got to g to in Pais. My Uncle’s fiend ok us. It was so fun to dress up and meet him for lunch. The restaurant was really pretty. Thank you, Mr. Sal.

FaceTime with my Dad. Felt like he was still here. So cool! My dogs seemed kind of sad though. Mom says they miss me. Maybe they need play dates. I think Dad should bring CeeCee to Hawaii for my birthday.

No Museum Today! Instead We Went to Disneyland Paris

Well, today was a no museum day. I’m kind of glad because we have seen a lot of museums. We had to say goodbye to my dad today. So we went to Paris Disneyland to make the day great. It was different then our our Disney World that we usually go to. One thing was it is smaller. And the other is that you get to have popcorn with sugar or popcorn with salt. I liked the sugar popcorn the best. It was hard to decide. 

My mom dared me to go into a hunted house. It was scary at first. It was just a regular house, but then the speaker went on and asked everyone to step into the middle of the room. The room went dark and it got kind of scary.The lights flashed on and the room look like it was stretching. The painting started to get longer and longer. You got to see the bottom of the paintings that you couldn’t see before. What was a woman sitting, was all of a sudden a woman being eaten by an alligator! Then the ride started and I started crying. It wasn’t scary at all. It was only like skeletons and graveyards. It wasn’t too bad.  

Next, Mom brought me to the Pirates of the Caribbean.  The whole time I walked through I was crying and very worried. During the ride, I kept my eyes closed too. After the ride, I loved it and made my Mom go on it 4 more times. It was so fun and they took your picture at the end. I kept trying to get a good picture, but I was too small and I was in the back of the boat so you couldn’t see me EVERY SINGLE TIME!

I was so brave with the other big rides that my Mom got me to agree  to go on space mountain. When we walked up, the man told me I was too small. It made me a little sad, but also a little happy. 

We had one more thing to do and that was watch the finale. It was a light show on Sleeping Beauty’s castle. It was a great show!  I was sad to go, but the day was an exciting adventurous day. 

The train just pulled into our station so I have to go now. 


Last Day With Daddy

Today was my last day with Daddy so we wanted to make it really fun. First stop was a building Uncle Eric wanted us to go see. Uncle is an architect and the building was designed by a famous architect named Frank Gehry. It was so cool and rainbow. Made out of glass in a park called Bois De Boulogne. There I bought a little robot that I named George. After that we went to one of the oldest amusement parks in Paris. It was so much fun that I wanted to live in Paris just so I could go there all the time. The rides were different in a good way.  No seat belts on some of them and they seemed magical. We had 4 tickets left when it closed. My Dad and I were sad. 

We ended the day with a great French dinner outside in the Latin Quarter. It was a great way to end our family vacation. 

I’m at Disneyland right now about to enter Pirates of the Caribien. I’ll tell you about this scary boat ride later. Rrrrrrrr. 

Mona Lisa and More

Wow, that was a fun day! Do you want me to tell you about it? You do?  Ok, first we woke up and did some stuff like… nothing while Dad worked. And finally we got up and got breakfast . I think we should get to the good stuff, ok, let me tell you… I went to the Louvre!!! We saw art from everywhere: Greece, Italy, France.  Way old and not so old.  My head went around and around, but the one thing I was thinking about the whole time was the Mona Lisa ! I had to wait. While I was waiting, we saw sad paintings like wars. Happy paintings like… wait a second! I never saw a painting that was happy! Have you seen one in the Louvre?  Oh yeah, we also saw statues. But I finally told my parents I wanted to see the Mona Lisa so we walked the hall and my mom said ‘let me peek into this room’ I got very mad, but I still said yes, so off we went into that side room. That was when my dad said ‘there is the Mona Lisa’ at first my mom didn’t see it yet, but I did!!! So I told my mom let’s go see it right now and I ran to see it.  We had to fight through the crowd and got kicked around. Finally, I get to the front of the crowd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we took lots of pictures.  I saw the Mona Lisa for the first time and it was amazing. The weird thing is, it was only the size of TV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that we went to eat and back to the Louvre. But it was closed!!! I was kind of happy because I was sick of looking at art. Shh. Don’t tell Mom. So instead we went shopping. When we were finished shopping, I went on my first Metro!!!! I was kind of scared, but we made it back to our apartment and I practiced multiplication to the 10 !!!!! 

Well I have to go. I hope you read my next post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍

Museums Are fun!

Well, today we went to 3 different museums. The 3 were: magic museum, the Rodin and Pompidou. Let me tell you about the magic museum. So, we got to the museum and we went in but it looked scary because there were a lot of tricks like you put your hands in a big box that said it was a zoo, but it was pretend. In the box a lion’s hand would touch your hands! There was one that you would put your hand in and air blew on it.  At one point I saw a magic show, but the bad thing was they were speaking in French. The magician thought I was Russian. That is so funny. After  that  we went to the Rodin Museum were I saw statues like  the Thinker and  lots of beautiful painting too. Let me tell you some of the statues names, there was the Kiss. It is a story about a boy and a girl who fell in love. One thing that was weird is she already had  a husband and right away the husband stabbed them. But let’s move on to something happy. Also, there was a little statue of a famous dancer. Rodin understand the body and how it moved. That’s why he is so famous. Now let’s move on to the last museum The Pompidou. It is a big place that looks like it’s not finished. But it actually is. It has modern art and that means that is more recent. There were lots of different things like videos. I watch them and they were crazy. When I saw the modern Art I was like wow, I could do that, but my mom said it is more about what the artist is thinking. My dad loved it.

Well thanks for reading.😍  Off to the Louvre! Bye!

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