Traveling the world with my mom for 4th grade...

Brushed a Horse and Picked Plums

I’m brushing a horse for the very first time! C’est joli!

I’ve got work to do. C’ est dur!

There are a lot of plums on the ground, but even more in the trees.


  1. popster graff

    Welcome to Greece. We want you to just relax in this new country. Do nothing. Maybe, look at some scenery, and think about how beautiful it is. We are going to text you tomorrow. We think of you often, and you just make us feel good.

    We love you very much. The Popster and Gran Cris

    • Cricket

      Mom says I have to do school work and daddy said math. ☹️

  2. christine (Stella's mom)

    that farm looks amazing!! i hope you are loving it!

    • Cricket

      I love it! The chickens are my favorite. They don’t put the eggs in the fridge. And potatoes stay in the ground until they eat them.

      • christine (Stella's mom)

        you are learning so much! and the adventure has only just begun. you are one lucky kid!!

  3. Aleen

    what a great place to do work. Hope you get to eat lots of plums.
    Au revoir! G

    • popster graff

      What a cerebral looking horse you have adopted. It must be female. Are you going to ride a horse to Greece or take a train or airplane. Plums are also good for the digestive processes.

      I have also been practicing my French lessons. Vous etes a bon homme, Popster.
      Bon Soir Cricket and Mom. Love, The Popster & Gran Chris

      • Cricket

        Taking a plane and a boat.

      • Cricket

        Vous etes un homme bon.

  4. Sandra Latino

    Looks like you are having fun while you work. I love plums.

    • Cricket

      So do I!

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