Traveling the world with my mom for 4th grade...

Hard Times But Worth It!

Exciting news! We have guest bloggers! The Thompson Girls…

Hi, this is Sage here. First off, if you consider traveling from the U.S. to Greece it is easy, then you are very wrong. My mom, sister and I traveled from New Orleans to Houston but before that the day before, out of nowhere our flight got canceled. All day in school I was carrying sobs. Thought I still had hope because my mom always finds hope in the darkest places. When I got home from school of course my mom booked a new plane and got her money back. Our plane to Houston was  calm. The Houston airport was gigantic under the airport was a subway. Luckily we had about three hours till the next plane because we kind of got lost, really lost. Now here was our big plane it was really long. Since it was a long plane there was a mini TV for everyone My mom was very stressed out, so I asked her why. She told me that when we got off this plane, at Paris, we would have ten minutes to board the plane to Athens. When got off the plane we were all running! There were a few other people going to Athens. Everyone was talking about a strick starting. Finally when we got to the gate we were 10 minutes late so we missed our flight. Bummer! When we talked to the lady at guest services she kept stalling. Finally she told us that there was a plane in two hours to Lion then to Athens. Well at least we got to Athens that day, it could have been worse. At last! For the first time in a month I saw Miss. Jill and Cricket!

 Hi, this is Piper.  Today I’m going to talk to you about something really awesome that I saw in Athens and you would never see anywhere else.  It is a coconut man! That sounds normal but he has a coconut fountain! Not a regular fountain but a coconut fountain! For one euro, you can fill a whole cup up and for one more euro, you can get a coconut stick that is so good!  Cricket had a piece of mine and she loved it too.

In Athens, we also saw the Acropolis. It was amazing.  At night, when we saw the Acropolis from the city, it was glowing and lite up.  There was also a dark street where we saw lots of tennagers kissing!  Cricket and I were very grossed out.  We held hands really tightly and walked very fast passed the teenagers. 

The next day, we went on a ferry.  It was not an ordinary ferry.  It was gigantic and we walked around it. It was so big that cars and 18 wheeler trucks were inside of it! When we got off the ferry in Naxos, Greece, we walked all the way to our hotel that is on the beach. St. George’s Beach. All the kids got their own room together and the mommies are in the room next door.  I’m pretty glad because it’s great! The hotel is great because it’s right on the beach and we are on the bottom floor so we can just walk a few steps to the beach. It’s probably the must beautiful view.  There are lots of flowers, the water is totally blue and there are mountains right in front of us.  Our porch ceiling is covered in a huge grape vine with grapes! 

Yesterday, we hiked in a village on Mt. Zeus. It was great except I got really tired because I took a Dramamine. I had to take a  Dramamine because we drove there and the road was curvy around the mountains.  Today, we are going horse back riding and I am very excited.  I love horses and the last time I went riding was 2 years ago at my camp, Strong River Camp and Farm.  

I have to go get ready. See you later! 

Hope you liked it! I was calling out some memories to Piper and well, Sage did it by her self!! I missed Piper and Sage!!!!!

 I have to get ready to ride. Bye!!!!!!


  1. popster graff

    Cricket, Thanks for sharing your experiences with the Thompson family. You continue to have wonderful learning at your school in Athens and other Greek cities. Thanks, we are learning from you. Love, The Popster and Gran Chris

  2. Sandra Latino

    So happy that your friends finally arrived. Have fun!

  3. G

    Cricket I loved Sage and Pipers addition to your blog. Good friends are made of gold. What an adventure they had to get to Athens. Whew! I was stressed for them and so relieved when mommy sent the picture of you all. Coconut fountains sounds great. See you for Halloween. Bye Cricket, Sage, and Piper

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