Traveling the world with my mom for 4th grade...

Mona Lisa and More

Wow, that was a fun day! Do you want me to tell you about it? You do?  Ok, first we woke up and did some stuff like… nothing while Dad worked. And finally we got up and got breakfast . I think we should get to the good stuff, ok, let me tell you… I went to the Louvre!!! We saw art from everywhere: Greece, Italy, France.  Way old and not so old.  My head went around and around, but the one thing I was thinking about the whole time was the Mona Lisa ! I had to wait. While I was waiting, we saw sad paintings like wars. Happy paintings like… wait a second! I never saw a painting that was happy! Have you seen one in the Louvre?  Oh yeah, we also saw statues. But I finally told my parents I wanted to see the Mona Lisa so we walked the hall and my mom said ‘let me peek into this room’ I got very mad, but I still said yes, so off we went into that side room. That was when my dad said ‘there is the Mona Lisa’ at first my mom didn’t see it yet, but I did!!! So I told my mom let’s go see it right now and I ran to see it.  We had to fight through the crowd and got kicked around. Finally, I get to the front of the crowd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we took lots of pictures.  I saw the Mona Lisa for the first time and it was amazing. The weird thing is, it was only the size of TV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that we went to eat and back to the Louvre. But it was closed!!! I was kind of happy because I was sick of looking at art. Shh. Don’t tell Mom. So instead we went shopping. When we were finished shopping, I went on my first Metro!!!! I was kind of scared, but we made it back to our apartment and I practiced multiplication to the 10 !!!!! 

Well I have to go. I hope you read my next post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍


  1. Anson E. Bond

    I MISS U
    ANSON 😉 🙂

    • Cricket

      😀hi Anson

  2. Kristen Johnson

    Hi Cricket,
    I am your mom’s friend Kristen…I grew up dancing with your mom and went to high school with her, she is so full of life and sunshine, and I see that in you! I just wanted to let you know how excited I am for you to see all the beautiful things in this world, all the tastes, and scenery!!! I can’t wait to see where you will go next and what you will experience…have so much fun!!! Have fun in Disneyland Paris…I wonder if Minnie wears a beret?? Oui Oui!

    • Cricket


    • Cricket

      She didn’t but she spoke French and English!

  3. christine (Stella's mom)

    tell mom to take you to the catacombs to see all the bones!!

    • Cricket

      Daddy said it was too scary for hm😱👻

  4. Sandra Latino

    The Mona Lisa is so beautiful. I’m glad you made it to the front of the line. Have a good time at Disney!

  5. Aleen

    so happy you went through the Louvre. So much to see. Loving the blog.

    • Cricket

      I’m tired of art G. But Disneyland on Saturday when Daddy leaves will be fun.

      • Anson E. Bond

        Dear Cricket,

        I loved your new post. It was so cool. I loved all the pictures of the art museum. Except for one thing, why can’t the art museum have a picture of something exploding??

        And when you get back I have a great idea for a lemonade business. I came up with a theme song. “Lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice. Turnaround touch the ground our lemonade is the best in town.”

        I can’t wait for you to get back. I really miss you!


        • Cricket

          That is a awesome song!! I can’t wait to do the stand with you next year.
          I will be on the look out for exploding pictures for you. I’ve seen splattered pictures but not explosions.

  6. Sheila

    Cricket, you are having a lot of adventures many people only dream of. Great!!!

    • Cricket

      I can’t wait for Greece and to see my G!

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