Traveling the world with my mom for 4th grade...

Mozart is Cool and Vienna at Christmas is a Wonderland


I went to my first classical music show in Vienna. I was excited because I had read about Mozart and thought that he was so special and he did lots of funny things.  Mozart is from Austria. Austria is the country that Vienna is in.  Mozart was just 6 when he performed an amazing piano piece for a big audience.  He surprised everyone with how he could make music.  He was also very funny. Anyway, the first thing we did was go to a church for a classical music concert.  I thought Mozart would be my favorite.  It was actually Vivaldi’s Spring from his Four Seasons. My mom had wanted to go see Vivaldi’s Four Seasons when we were in Venice, but she didn’t think I would like it.  Wrong! I can’t wait to see it now.  I even bought a little music box that plays Spring.  

We went to an amusement park that had no rides open except for a really cool Farris wheel that was like train cars going around.  And it snowed! That was very cool

Vienna even has a whole museum for kids to learn about music.  Kids get to do whatever they want like run up and down on the piano stairs! It wasn’t just instruments.  We also got to learn about how our ears can hear music and all about the famous composers.  I even got to conduct an orchestra. It was a piece by Mozart and it was the Vienna orchestra, but they got mad at me because it was hard to do the right beat with the stick. 

We went to a cooking show at the Hamburg Summer Palace. It was so pretty.  The show was about how to make apple strudel. It was great.  

Vienna had Christmas markets everywhere! They were really cute and around every corner. 

The horse show! We went to the Spanish Riding school to see the Lipinzzer horses perform.  The school is over 400 years old and the horses are very special! They can dance like ballet dancers! 

The Christmas lights in Vienna are totally different than any place I have ever seen.  They are so fancy and EVERYWHERE! 

Well, got to go check in to our flight now.  Bye! We are leaving Poland for England!


  1. Sheila DeMars

    Cricket, Vienna at Christmas looks beautiful. Enjoy your visit with your family in England. Love, Aunt Sheila

    • Cricket

      Thank you, Aunt Shelia! Merry Christmas!!

    • Cricket

      Thank you!!!

  2. christine (Stella's mom)

    hi cricket!
    we got your postcard from greece! thank you for thinking of us! stella misses you a lot, and i miss your mom! i hope you have a great time in london. westminster abbey is my favorite place. and i took stella on the london eye when we were there in july. can’t wait to see what y’all do next!

  3. Aleen

    Looking forward to seeing you in England. Enjoyed your pictures of Vienna. See you soon. G

    • Cricket

      G!!! Today our Christmas tree is coming by a man!!’

  4. Sandra Latino

    Love classical music too! I love all genres of music. Is your dad meeting you and your momin England?

    • Cricket

      YES! I can’t wait! He gets her on the 24th and stays for a week. G comes on the 20th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. popster graff

    Great that you are listening to some great Mozart tunes. Once you start listening to classical musical, it will become your favorite. Love, Popster & Granny

    • Cricket

      I think it is my favorite music!!

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